Spinning a yarn. Weaving strands of story together with fiber has its beginnings in mythology, ancient history and literature. There’s a tragic story from Ovid’s metamorphosis about two sisters. One, rendered unable to speak, weaves a garment for her sister in which she depicts her tragic tale. The perpetrator takes the garment to the other sister unaware that this is not just a piece of clothing but a message containing a story. Evil doings are discovered and justice is delivered. Consider:
We invite you to enjoy this unique exhibition of fiber art: 23 pieces which are not only visually beautiful and technically sound, but carry on the tradition of narratives that are poignant and powerful. Opening Reception: Sat. March 7, 6-8pmGallery hours on Friday, February 14: 11am-6pm
What's more romantic than art with hearts and flowers for Valentine's Day? ACCI will be open late this evening for your Valentine's pleasure. Have a glass of wine and get 10% off any gallery purchases from 6-8pm! |
March 2024